ADA Policy
The mission of CRAS is to train individuals for entry-level positions in the audio industry.
The Conservatory is committed to making the Master Recording II Program a non-discrimination, equal opportunity, and equal access educational program, committed to making reasonable accommodations in policies, practices, and procedures for qualified individuals with disabilities in accordance with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, the Americans with Disabilities Amendments Act, and applicable state and local laws.
General Information
Disability Defined
The ADA defines a person with a disability as a person who has a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activity. This includes people who have a record of such an impairment, even if they do not currently have a disability. It also includes individuals who do not have a disability but are regarded as having a disability. The ADA also makes it unlawful to discriminate against a person based on that person’s association with a person with a disability.
Disability Services
In order to ensure a smooth transition to secure reasonable accommodations, students may request disability related accommodations or services by completing the registration steps below. Students are encouraged to identify themselves as early as possible since some accommodations may take time to put in place.
Confidentiality/Self Advocacy
Disclosing all relevant information to the Student Support Coordinator is essential to establishing a disability/eligibility for services or accommodations and ensuring what is provided will be effective in meeting needs. Once registered and approved to use accommodations or services, students have a choice about how much information is shared beyond that point and students retain the right to request/use accommodations or to elect not to.
Disclosure is a personal choice and students are always free to provide whatever information they are comfortable sharing, but our processes preserve confidentiality for students who prefer to disclose only what is needed (the accommodation or services).
Temporary and Provisional Accommodations
Students with injuries or concussion may need temporary accommodations for a short term disability. Provisional accommodations may be provided while students are seeking an evaluation to determine the presence of a disability or the specific services or accommodations needed. Please contact the Student Support Coordinator at the school to discuss your particular situation/needs and to determine what is possible.
The Student Services Department collaborates with students, faculty, and staff to create learning environments that are usable, equitable, inclusive and welcoming. However, there may be times when there are aspects of the instruction or design of courses that result in barriers to inclusion or to accurate assessment of achievement. Students with disabilities who anticipate barriers to full participation in courses and/or campus activities are encouraged to contact Becky Fimbres the Student Support Coordinator.
Students With Disabilities
The Conservatory of Recording Arts & Sciences (CRAS) provides reasonable accommodations to qualified individuals with disabilities who request them. CRAS is committed to educational and work communities that are free from prohibited discrimination and harassment. CRAS prohibits discrimination and harassment on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, religion, disability, age, veteran status, sexual orientation/gender identity or expression, genetic information, and any other legally protected status in the provision of its admissions process, recruitment, courses, programs, services or activities.
A qualified student with a disability must have a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities; have a record of such an impairment; or be regarded as having such an impairment. The Conservatory is committed to providing that no qualified person with a disability shall on the basis of disability, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of , or otherwise be subjected to discrimination under program or activities which receives Federal Financial assistance.
The Conservatory strives to create a learning environment that:
- provides qualified students with disabilities equal access to institutional programs, activities and services offered.
- provides reasonable accommodations, auxiliary aids and services, as reasonable, to ensure equal access to all of the Conservatory’s programs and activities.
- Have appropriate confidentiality of all information regarding their disability in line with the FERPA and Privacy Act policies.
For students with disabilities, the Conservatory makes every effort to assist them in achieving these goals. Students with disabilities have the option of requesting temporary assistance, accommodations and/or auxiliary services if necessary.
All requests will be reviewed by Student Services Coordinator, Becky Fimbres to determine if the requested accommodations can be granted and specifically what the scope of the accommodations will include.
Qualified students with disabilities also must meet the academic and technical standards for admission or participation in the Conservatory’s Master Recording Program II.
If a request for accommodations is denied, students may contact the Student Services Coordinator, Becky Fimbres to discuss the decision or utilize the CRAS ADA/Section 504 grievance procedure.
Procedure for Requesting Accommodations
To provide the best transition into the Master Recording Program, students are encouraged to begin the accommodation request process as early as possible, ideally, requests for accommodations should be submitted approximately 6 weeks prior to the student’s start date of the Master Recording Program II. This will allow the Student Services Department to ensure that approved accommodations are provided in a timely manner.
Accommodations may be requested at any time. Students who wish to receive accommodations should not wait until after completing a class, cycle or receiving a poor grade to request services, and are encouraged to complete the accommodation process promptly. Please see our full policy here.
To begin the registration process establishing eligibility for disability related accommodations and services, please complete and submit the CRAS Accommodation Request form and upload supporting documentation.
Once the request has been submitted, the student will be contacted regarding the submission and the accommodation process will begin.
When the Accommodation Plan has been approved by the school’s Administration, the Student Support Coordinator will email a copy to the student for documentation to be able to share with instructors.
Students have the responsibility in notifying their instructors with the Accommodation Plan for each new class/course or event they attend.
Contact Information
Student Services Department
Becky Fimbres
Director of Compliance/Registrar/ADA Liaison