Top 3 Alternatives to College After High School

Ok so you just graduated or you are preparing now because you are about to graduate and are doing your homework on what you can do as an alternative to a 4-year college or university.
In today’s digital and results driven world experience is greater than a four-year degree its completely normal for you to start looking for college alternatives if you know deep down inside another 4-7 years depending on the degree is just not right for you after graduating high school or ever.
Here are the top three alternatives for graduating high school students you should consider.
Trade School
There are tons of trade schools from dental hygienist schools, to beauty school and a college alternative in music like our music and audio engineering/production schools.
With trade schools like ours you will gain the skills necessary to work in the Audio engineering profession, recording or mixing music, live concert sound, broadcast live audio, video game sound, commercial audio engineering in as few as 11 months. This will provide you the ability to earn a living and an average audio engineering salary which is based on the genre and location you choose to work.
So in less than a year you can have a career that lasts you a lifetime in something you love whether it’s in music, game audio, live sound, broadcast live audio or post production for movies or TV.
The benefits of going to a music trade school is that it doesn’t take as long or cost as much as a college or university and you don’t have to take classes like general education and liberal arts. Your education is focused solely to a defined area that interests you the entire program. Learning the skills that lead you to a career in what excites you!
Go to work
You sometimes need to just go and get a job to learn what you love or what’s not for you. After high school if you don’t have an education goal to further your career in a certain passion or industry the best thing you can do is start applying and working entry level jobs that you think you would like.
As you work you will gain experience and start building a resume that can help you land the next job and so on. As you work at companies and places you can learn things from each position until you determine what you really love to do. At that point you might want to reconsider going to a trade school to go a mile deep and immerse yourself in information, hands on experience, and knowledge that will make you even better at that craft.
Serve Your Country
Thanks to our veterans and armed forces, we have the freedom to even decide what we would like to do whether it’s going to a trade school, working different jobs, or even creating our own businesses.
If you have no clue what to do and need more discipline, love our country, and then want your schooling paid for or gain experience you can never go wrong serving our country. And the military can provide you a career or a stepping stone to give you more structure and discipline in figuring out what you want out of life.
If you want more alternatives check out this link for more information. Or if you think a music trade school like ours really seems intriguing and you would like to learn more contact us today.