Why Going to a Music Production School is Totally Worth It

Music Production Schools: Why it’s a Great Investment in Your Music Industry
You’ve dreamed of being involved in the Music Industry for as long as you can remember. You know that becoming the “next big thing” is more a matter of luck and talent combining in a “million to one” shot. You didn’t despair, however, when you realized there are other careers you can pursue in the technical side of the Music Industry such as being a music producer or a sound engineer. The question is: how do you pursue your goal of working in the music industry?
The answer is music production schools, like The Conservatory of Recording Arts and Sciences (CRAS). A music production school is the key to achieving your goal of contributing to the wonderful world of music. Decades ago, one could “luck” into the industry. Anymore, YOU have to LEARN in to it! Here are the top five benefits of choosing to attend a music production school.
Hands-on Experience:
When you attend a music production school, like CRAS, you will have the opportunity to do much more than just being exposed to theoretical learning. You’ll have the opportunity to apply what you have learned. You’ll work with real tools designed to produce music in one of our eight large-format studios consisting of a full range of top-level equipment, such as DAWs (Digital Audio Workstations), microphones, consoles, patchbays, hardware, etc. There is no educational replacement for a tangible understanding of the tools of the trade!
Real-world Learning:
While traditional colleges are drifting toward online learning, we know that is not the key to being successful in the music production industry. Our classes are taught in an actual classroom so that you have face-to-face interaction with classmates and instructors. You’ll have the opportunity to learn skills you can actually apply in a music production career in our “five focuses” of Music, Live Sound, Broadcast, Film/TV and Video Games. Click here to learn more about these five focuses. You’ll apply what you have learned in each of these areas as part of an internship in a position in the music industry. Being that dealing with audio, on any level, is an artform, YOU must master the craft by “doing” it, NOT by attempting the craft online.
Stellar Equipment:
At CRAS, not only do you work with the fantastic equipment found in all of our recording studios, but you will also take home some equipment with you so you can work on music whenever you need to. Our Laptop Recording Package, which is included in the cost of tuition, is given to every student and consists of a 13-inch MacBook Pro, a microphone, headphones, an audio interface and several software packages. All of these tools will be a vital part of your education. Learn more about this package and what it can do for you by clicking here. With this Laptop Recording Package, YOU can immerse yourself in 24/7 comprehension of the day’s lesson, and more importantly, keep pace with the Industry, as it advances.
Many Opportunities:
While working with musicians is the career goal of many students who attend CRAS, there are also numerous other possibilities for a career in the music industry. Some of them include working at sporting events, in a corporate boardroom, at an airport, in a church and many others. All of these places need the skills of those who have attended music production schools. In choosing any of these routes, YOU will be surprised as to the interconnectivity these routes have. YOU will meet Video Game Professionals working on albums, Live Sound Engineers doing Broadcast, Sound Designers building audio integration for Video Games. Once YOU learn the ART, you can apply it ANYWHERE!
Path to Success:
In today’s bold and exciting world, attending a traditional college may not be as worthwhile as it seems at first glance. High tuition costs and uncertain job prospects leave many students wondering if there is a better alternative. At CRAS, you will work with industry professionals with a host of impressive accomplishments that can propel YOU to untold heights! Small class sizes mean you’ll get to spend more time with them, perfecting your understanding, and honing your skills. You’ll also work towards numerous certifications that will boost your chances of success in finding a job in the industry.
Music production schools have much to offer for those seeking a career as a Music Producer, Sound Engineer or perhaps one of the many other opportunities in the music industry. The Conservatory of Recording Arts & Sciences (CRAS) is an accredited Music Production school that has proudly stood for over three decades, and has paved the path to SUCCESS for thousands of CRAS Graduates. Visit our website to learn more about how we can connect YOU to your DREAMS in the world of Pro Audio.
Also, we have music production local exposure in nine other major metros outside of Arizona. Here is a quick list in case you know anyone in these areas that would love to learn music production or audio engineering.